Huntcliff FAQs

My neighbor’s dog is outside barking incessantly. Is there something I can do? I see a dog running loose in the neighborhood. What should I do?
Call the City of Sandy Springs Department of Animal Control at 770-730-5600 for uncontrolled or barking dogs or for other animal complaints or concerns. The Huntcliff Homes Association follows the Sandy Springs ordinances and encourages residents to use the City’s enforcement officers. The Huntcliff Covenants and Association are very limited in their ability to investigate or resolve animal complaints.
All dogs must be licensed and on a leash if off the premises of their owner according to the Sandy Springs Ordinance and Fulton County regulations. For assistance call the Animal Services Dispatch to request enforcement at 404-613-0358. Identify the location of the loose dog and the owner, if known. The city officers will investigate within a day.
Click here for Sandy Springs information on pets and livestock.
For lost or found dogs, members of the online discussion board, NextDoor Huntcliff, can post a notification to the neighborhood. Click here to sign-up or login to NextDoor.
What do I do if I see someone speeding or driving erratically on neighborhood streets?
The Sandy Springs Police Department would like any complaint about speeding, driving erratically or other traffic violation to be reported to them using this link. Additionally, if a resident feels physically threatened by someone, for whatever reason, the SSPD encourages a call to 911 to have an officer sent to the location. Any 911 call regarding physical threates from one person to another will be responded to by police officers immediately.
Our house needs repainted and we want to paint it a different color than what it is now. Do we need to get approval from someone for that?
Yes. Approval is needed from the Architectural Control Committee to change the color of the exterior your house. No approval or permission is needed to repaint in the existing color or in a previously approved color. To download and print the application form for exterior changes/improvements, click here. Send the completed application to Bob Clydesdale, 8915 Huntcliff Lake Court, Atlanta, GA 30350,
Cell – 404 398 1176
[email protected]
I’m having a contractor start some construction on my house. How early is he allowed to start working outside?
According to the City of Sandy Springs Noise Ordinance, construction hours are limited to 7:30 a.m. to 7:30 p.m. Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. on Saturdays, and none on Sundays and Holidays. Anyone seeking to work outside these hours must first receive a Noise Variance from the City’s Department of Community Development.
How can I obtain a complete copy of the Huntcliff Homes Association Charter, Covenants and Bylaws to provide to real estate agents and closing attorneys?
A complete file of all three documents is available to download here: Charter, Covenants and Bylaws
How do I get a User ID and Password?
If you are a resident of Huntcliff and do not have a user id and password (or have forgotten it), you can e-mail a request for the information by CLICKING HERE.
What happens if I forget my password?
There are two ways to get a password. There is a link on the User Login page “Forgotten Password” that will reset your password for you automatically. You will receive an email from the site with your temporary password in just a few minutes. There is also a link at the bottom of every page (“Contact Site Administrator”) that will send an e-mail. In either case, you will have a temporary password, which you can (and should) change the next time you log in.
How do I change my password?
There is a link on the User Login page “Change your password” that will prompt you for you User ID, old (temporary) password, and new password.
Can our family have more than one User ID and Password?
Yes. Simply send an e-mail to the site administrator with the specifics of your request. Several families already have more then one user id and password and it only takes a few minutes to set one up.
The information in the directory is inaccurate, what should I do about it?
You can edit your directory information by selecting the “Your Entry” button on the directory page. You can add, change, or delete information. You should also notify the site administrator if your name is incorrect or you want to change your e-mail address.
Homeowner's Directory, Privacy
Can anyone outside of our community view the directory information?
No. The Homeowners Directory is one of the “secured” features on the site. All secured features require a User ID and Password, and those are only issued to our residents.
How do I print the Association documents?
All of the Association Documents are stored in a Adobe Portable Document Format (pdf) which requires the Adobe Reader® to access. The reader is available as a free download from Adobe and a there is a link on the Documents page to get your copy. Once you have installed the reader and opened the document, you will find a print icon (a small button with a picture of a printer on it) in the title bar. Use that to print the documents.
How do I print a page on the web site?
You can use your browser’s print button to print any page on the site. If you do not want to print the graphic elements on the page, we recommend that you first select the “Printer friendly” link at the top of the page, then use your browser’s print button. Once the printing is complete, user the “Back” button to return your screen to a normal display.
Can I make my e-mail address available to the Association without exposing it to my neighbors?
Yes. You can request to remove the e-mail address in the Directory, which your neighbors can view; and retain it in the User record, which the Association uses for homeowner e-mails. Please contact the administrator to do so. But remember, only our residents have access to the directory, so there is no danger of your e-mail address being used for marketing purposes.
What if I change my e-mail address?
E-mail addresses are actually stored in two separate locations on the web server: In the Homeowners Directory and in your User record. Please use the Directory Update Form to notify the administrator of any change in your email address.
Can I submit articles to the web site?
Please do! Keeping the web site “fresh” is one of the biggest challenges for the site administrators. You can click on the “Contact site administrator” link on the bottom of this (and every) page to send your suggestions. Your submission may be edited, or if not deemed appropriate by the Council, not used. If that happens, you will be notified by e-mail of the reason.
Can I make suggestions for things I’d like to see on the web site?
Certainly, and they would be appreciated. You can use the “Contact site administrator” link at the bottom of every page to do that.
Why does the right side of the page scroll off of my screen?
That’s a screen resolution problem. The site has been optimized for 1024×768 viewing. You can use a lower resolution, but some horizontal scrolling will occur.
Sometimes the images don’t display, what is wrong?
That’s usually caused by a pop-up blocker. You should configure your blocker to recognize this site or disable it when you are on this site. Unfortunately, we can’t provide specific instructions because there are many pop-up blockers and they are all slightly different.
I sometimes get an “Invalid Session” message, what is wrong?
That’s usually caused by a cookie blocker. That means when you log on, the system can’t store your user information (see below) as a cookie. You should configure your cookie blocker to recognize this site or disable it when you are on this site. Since there are so many options for blocking cookies, we can’t provide specific instructions.
Sometimes when I click on a link, nothing happens. What’s wrong?
Most of the external links on this site open in a new window so that when you’re finished with it and close the window, you are returned to our site. Links not opening correctly are most likely caused by a pop-up blocker that is activated either in your browser or as a separate piece of software. To correct the problem, you should configure the browser, or the pop-up blocker software, to recognize our site. Since there are so many options for blocking pop-ups, we can’t provide more specific instructions.
Does this site use any kind of tracking devices?
Absolutely not! We do count unidentified “hits” on the home page, the total number of hits on all pages, the total number of hits on “feature” pages, and the total number of hits on external links (like the weather).
When you log in to a secured page, the system creates what is called a “session” cookie with your log in information. That way, you only have to log on one time. The cookie is removed when you exit the site or select the “log off” link on the left (under the menu buttons).
What if I cannot find the answer to my question in this section?
Just click the “Contact site administrator” link at the bottom of every page and ask your question that way.
What are the Venue Coordinator’s responsibilities?
The Venue Coordinator is your key to your event going off without a hitch. The Coordinator will communicate with you before your event to talk about your timeline and gather vendor contact information. She communicates with key vendors to schedule their load in and load out at the clubhouse. She facilitates your guest flow and is on hand to help with any emergencies that may arise.
How many chairs are available for events?
There are 165 white wood cushioned folding chairs available for seating in the River Room. There are 165 white metal folding chairs available for seating outside for a wedding ceremony.